ABOUT | Dr. Ibrahim Karim

by Rawya Karim
On Dr. Ibrahim Karim’s desk is an abstract figure with the inscription “Only those who see the invisible, can do the impossible”. Chosen by his youngest daughter Doreya, it is the best description of him.
What started off as an occasional gathering of friends grew over twenty years into a weekly pivot in the lives of many people of different ages, religions, professions, social background and nationalities. Unstructured lectures and dialogues about almost any subject, where Dr. Karim believed that he has learned as much as he has taught his holistic approach which he calls the BioGeometrical Way; a new and expanded world view; equally scientific and spiritual in essence. In his own words “to be truly holistic it must incorporate anything and everything”.
BioGeometrical shapes interact with Earth’s energy to produce a balancing effect on all energy levels of biological systems. Research into shapes of body organs led to the discovery of the relationship between of organ function, energy pattern, and shape. These patterns called “BioSignatures” produce, through resonance, a balance of energy and immunity that support orthodox and alternative medicine.
An Architect by profession; graduate of the renowned F.I.T. Zurich, Switzerland; with BA/MA,and D.Sc. in Tourist Planning. He occasionally teaches as visiting professor of Architecture at several universities. Dr. Karim owns: Alemara Consultants Architecture firm founded by his father Dr. Sayed Karim in the1930’s, who is the main pioneer of modern architecture in the Middle East and author of several books on the Culture behind the greatness of Ancient Egypt.
While still a postgraduate student in Switzerland, a chance meeting with Dr. Mahmoud Mahfouz led to an intellectual, philosophical conversation on hospital design and other topics. Dr. Mahfouz, later Minister of Health, appointed Dr. Ibrahim Karim as the youngest Consultant in the Egyptian Government, in order to bring innovative thinking to his Ministry. Dr. Karim worked in integrated health planning and developed new design concepts of flexibility and expansion for health projects in addition to working in the USAID project of Urban Health Development. In 1976 he was a consultant to Dubai’s ministry of health and is, since over twenty years, a member of the British Royal Society Of Health, and founding member of the Imhotep society in Egypt for scientific research in the alternative sciences. In 1982 Dr. Karim was a consultant to the Minister of Culture, the late Mohammed Radwan and e put the initial concept for the new Museum of Civilization for which the international appeal for funding was launched by UNESCO. Later on, as a consultant to the Minister of Tourism in 1985, he did the first tourist planning for the Red Sea and Western Sinai coastal areas. As a consultant to the Minister of Scientific Research in 1990e was the principle investigator of the environmental pilot project on the Mahmoudiya Canal in Alexandria and headed a committee at the National Research Center to research the effect of geometrical shapes on biological functions. He patented the first BioGeometrical shapes in 1993, others followed. He received an award at the international congress for inventors in 1998. His work as an architect includes several hospitals, residential and scientific projects, as well as tourist resorts on the Red Sea.
While renovating the museum of Ancient Egyptian medicine in 1972, Dr. Fawzi Soleiman Sowiha, the director of the museum,introduced him to the science of Radiesthesia and with him he met Dr. Khalil Messiha, who introduced him to the French system of Physical Radiesthesia and its Ancient Egyptian origins. In France, at the Maison de Radiesthesie he acquired original books and instruments, those of the pioneers of this science. Fluent in many languages, Dr. Karim was able to combine modern concepts of physics, Harmonics, Perception, as well asPythagorean theories to develop a new “Physics of Quality” and based on it, a science of “qualitative” measurement: Egyptian Radiesthesia. It became the main research tool in his subtle energy research, supported by biofeedback and Bio-Imaging devices. Taking this research into Architecture, Geobiology and Building Biology, he found the basis on which he developed his new science of BioGeometry.
Sportsman? In essence and practice,; yes!. From Light Athletics to tournament table tennis;, he switched to tennis with his children, because he believed in parenting by example. They became top tournament tennis players in Egypt and received Athletic scholarships at Rice, Tulane and Loyola universities in USA, and AUC in Egypt. “Competitive sports gave us a positive family interaction and an opportunity to give the children freedom to grow, travel and experience life in a healthy, controlled environment.”
Connoisseur? Definitely; Former Chancellor of the international Gourmet Society “Chaine Des Rotisseurs”, enthusiast and collector of classic sports cars, watches, manuscripts, cameras, electronics, computers andmultimedia among other things.
Dr. Karim gives seminars and workshops, in Europe, America, and the Middle East. He is regularly on radio and television (e.g. Reuters, CNN). He had his own daily television program: “God grant me knowledge”, during the holy fasting month of Ramadan, at the turn of the Millennium, on Egyptian Satellite Channel. Since March 2002 he has a weekly one-hour program on the Egyptian ‘El Mehwer’ satellite channel.
He did research in BioGeometrical organic planting with Prof. Peter Mols of the University of Wageningen in Holland and conducted a workshop to find solutions to harmful Earth radiation at the Design Academy of Eindhoven.
In Egypt, he joined the “National Hepatitis C Research Project” lead by the late Dr.Taha Khalifa, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of at Al-Azhar University, where he achieved significant results. These significant research results of the research were made public on air by Dr. Khalifa in a historic, often repeated, television program that included the former minister of Health, as well as prominent medical doctors, in the “Mesaha Horra” series, presented by Isaad Younis on the Orbit Satellite television channel in 1999.
He is also discussing, with the governor of Alexandria, the ambitious futuristic project of the energy balance of the city. He is constantly traveling in the USA, Europe, and the Middle East, on consulting work in energy balancing of buildings.
Born in Cairo, Egypt on Feb.1st, 1942 Nationality: Egyptian
- 1958: Oxford & Cambridge matriculation, Victoria College, Cairo – 1967: M.A. Architecture, Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich – 1975: D.Sc. Architecture & Town Planning, Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich
Government Consulting Positions
- 1969-1980: Consultant to the Minister of Health
- 1969-1980: Consultant to the Minster of Culture
- 1985-1988: Consultant to the Minister of Tourism
- 1990-Present: Consultant to the Minister of Scientific Research
- Founder of the science of BioGeometry
- Holder of BioGeometry patents pursuant to scientific clinical research at the Egyptian National Research Center.
- Founder, President & CEO of BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd, BioGeometry Consulting.
- Owner/Managing Director of Alemara Architectural Consultants (Dr. Sayed Karim & Dr. Ibrahim Karim).
- Chairman of the Committee on the Influence of Geometrical Shapes on Life Functions, Egyptian National Research Center (1993-1995).
- Co-founder of Imhotep Scientific Society in Egypt (1985).
- Prize in International Conference for Inventors: 20th Century Gate, Cairo, Dec. 1998
Teaching Experience
- 1972, 1978: Visiting professor of architecture, Helwan University, Cairo – Ongoing supervision of Masters and Doctorate architecture degrees in BioGeometry Architecture Design Principles (Cairo & Alexandria Universities). – International BioGeometry educational curriculum courses, supported by a network of certified instructors and institutions.
Architectural Consulting Projects with U.S. Aid & Egyptian Government
- Environmental project in Mahmoudeya Canal, Alexandria in collaboration with Ministry of Scientific Research.
- Urban Health Development Projects; upgrading of 14 health centers in Cairo in collaboration with Ministry of Health.
- Population Project: 20 health centers in Giza and Quena in collaboration with World Bank and Ministry of Health.
- Participant in USAID-USIS visitors program for the study of tourism and environmental planning in different areas of the United States (June 1992).
- Eleven public hospitals for the Ministry of Health (1969-1980).
- Several governmental seismic centers (1980′s).
- Regional planning of Red Sea area (1980′s).
Biogeometry Architecture Projects
- Old Vic Resort, Hurghada, Red Sea (includes 22BioGeometry architecture units).
- Portrait Resort, Ain Sokhna, Red Sea (includes 120BioGeometry architecture units).
- Menaville Hotel Safaga (Thermal Karlovy Vary Center).
Examples of BioGeometry Research Projects
- Preliminary laboratory studies at the Egyptian National Research Center, where Dr. Ibrahim Karim headed the research unit on the Influence of Geometrical Shapes on Life Functions, showed that BioGeometry shapes have a “positive effect on biological functions.” This led to the first Egyptian patent in BioGeometry at the Ministry of Scientific Research.
- Egyptian National Virus C Comparative Study: The Dean of the Pharmacology Department at Al-Azhar University, Egypt, announced on Egyptian Satellite TV that the preliminary phase of the comparative National Virus C Project carried out by his College showed that BioGeometry energy-balancing obtained the best results among all other pharmaceutical and alternative remedies.
- A three-year research project at the University of Wageningen, Holland, by Professor Peter Mols on the use of BioGeometry in apple agriculture, concluded that BioGeometry was effective in eliminating certain parasites and significantly increasing agricultural yield.
- A preliminary research project carried out by the Dutch agricultural firm Team EcoSys to study the role of BioGeometry in potato farming concluded that BioGeometry energy balancing significantly increased the immunity and quality of the potatoes.
- As part of an MA thesis supervised by Dr. Ahmed Hussein of Suez Canal University and the Ministry of Agriculture, BioGeometry energy-balancing solutions were implemented in poultry farming as a research study. The published results showed that BioGeometry was effective in significantly increasing the growth and quality of the chicken while also lowering the mortality rate.
- This project was successfully repeated in 2014 with Nutrinor, Quebec, in Canada in order to grow chickens without the use of antibiotics or growth factors, while lowering the mortality rate, achieving a better food/weight conversion ratio and increased healthy weight development. This has lead to collaboration with Nutrinor in applying BioGeometry to their animal farming department.
- A two-month experiment by the late Eng. Adel Ammar to test the possibility of using BioGeometry to allow freshwater plants (sweet potato) to grow in salt water from the Red Sea showed astonishing results: sweet potato plants grown with BG3 salt water developed healthier sweet potatoes than the two control units.
-Double-blind experimentation showed that BioGeometry successfully reduced driver’s physiological stress markers as seen using biofeedback measurements.
- Preliminary experiments in introducing BioGeometry into the classroom design indicated that BioGeometry energy balancing had a positive impact on children with learning disabilities.
- A Design Approach Using BioGeometry in Interior Architectural Spaces with Reference to Heal Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,” by Dina Ra’afat Abdul Rahman Howeidy, a PHD thesis completed at the Cairo University, Faculty of engineering shows a vast improvement in ADHD criteria tested, including: child focus & attention, communication, dynamic behavior, behavior, teamwork, independence, hyperactivity, social stages and academic skills.
- In another PhD thesis by Lobna Shaker at Cairo University, BioGeometry was used in medical centers for treatment of depression, besides demonstrating the benefits of applying BioGeometry as design and interior architecture solutions, testing on mice showed that Bio Signatures (branch of BioGeometry) were as effective as commonly used drugs in the Egyptian market to restore the normal serotonin levels in the brain.
- In 2003, a pilot research project under the patronage of the Swiss Mediation Authority for Mobile Communication and Environment, and in collaboration with leading governmental telecom provider Swisscom, implemented BioGeometry energy-balancing solutions to remedy ailments of electro-sensitivity in the rural town of Hemberg. BioGeometry was successful in eliminating the ailments of electro-sensitivity, among a number of other health conditions that it remedied, as well as positively impacting the overall ecology of the area. This was dubbed "The Miracle of Hemberg" by the Swiss media.
- In 2007, following the success of the first Swiss BioGeometry project in Hemberg, Dr. Karim/BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd. was commissioned by the local government of the Swiss town of Hirschberg to implement a similar solution there. The project was documented by Swiss TV Channel 1 (SF1), and the documentary aired on prime time TV in Switzerland showing that BioGeometry was successful in eliminating the ailments of electro-sensitivity, among a number of other health conditions that it remedied, as well as positively impacting the overall ecology of the area. Most impressive was the overwhelming positive impact on the livestock in the area, which are an important economic factor to this rural town. The documentary was titled “The Miracle Healer.”
-BioGeometry energy-quality balancing yielded beautiful perfectly structured and balanced water crystals, in collaboration with Dr. Masuro Emoto
-National Research Center, Egypt, show BioGeometry effectively protects against the low levels of radioactivity found in tested Egyptian building materials.
* Using full-scale BioGeometry solutions implemented by BioGeometry Energy Systems LTD.
Television Series
- “Rabi Zidny Elman (God Grant Me Knowledge),” dailyBioGeometry TV series, Egyptian Satellite TV, Dec./Jan. 200&2001)
- “Al Taqa Wa Al Hayat (Energy & Life),” twice/weeklyBioGeometry TV Series, Al Mehwar Satellite TV, 2002.
- “With Dr. Ibrahim Karim,” twice/weeklyBioGeometry TV Series, Al Mehwar Satellite TV, 2002.
- Numerous guest appearance on major TV programs in the Middle East.
- Wide international media coverage of the science of BioGeometry.
"On Dr. Ibrahim Karim’s desk is an abstract figure with the inscription “Only those who see the invisible, can do the impossible”.